730 years young and going strong as ever. That is our Switzerland and that is what we celebrated this August 1 at The Commons Club on Bonita Beach.
We can all agree that we had a great turnout with 42 members and 7 guests. A special welcome to the seven guests who also joined our club as new members that very same day. Welcome to the family.
Judging from the many smiles and happy faces, everybody enjoyed the Bratwurst, perfectly grilled by Roman Owczarczak, and the wonderful homemade desserts created by some of our members.
While the food was outstanding, the location, the view and the camaraderie were even better. In typical Swiss fashion, everybody arrived on time and stayed for several hours talking, laughing and telling stories.
A special thanks should be offered to Werner Christinger for making the beautiful venue available to our club, to Werner and Joe Huber for the Apero – nothing beats a great bottle of Chasselas, and Joe and Gemma for the Buerli.
The Swiss National Holiday wouldn’t be the same without a few words from our club president, Joe Huber, who informed us of the trials and tribulations of getting the Bratwurst from Colorado to Florida, our singing of the National Anthem and the speech by our National President, Guy Parmelin (https://youtu.be/ml9SVbWP11k). Thank you Hans Wenger for your IT services and the typical Swiss music.
Finally, we want to thank Lily for organizing this event, no small feat, and Gemma for all her administrative services before, during and after the event.
Great job everybody!
Photos by Urs Brunner, text by Urs Brunner.