On Saturday, December 10, 2022, the President could welcome 51 people (44 members and 7 guests)  to our traditional Chlaushöck which took place again at the beautiful Silverlakes Clubhouse, a gated community in Fort Myers. Our Club can use this great and so nicely decorated location because our members Markus & Patricia Albrecht are residents of this community, many thanks to both of you!

The Fleischkäse and Potato Salad were very delicious as always and all of the participants enjoyed the evening thoroughly. For dessert we could taste a wide range of homemade cookies. Thanks to all of you who took it upon them to prepare all these goodies at home.

Of the 7 guests, two became spontaneously members of the Club: Heidi Olzinger and Alexander Dortu, both of them were guests of our member Monika Olzinger. Welcome to our Club. Also, former members Jürg & Monique Schweizer, decided to re-join the Club, welcome back to both of you.

A big thank you goes to our helpers Andrea Stoecker, Pia Colombo, Esther Sworney, Liz & Hanspeter Christ and Werner Christinger. They assisted with the decorating, serving the food and the clean-up at the end of the party. You all were a very important part of the success of the Chlaushock, thanks again.

Another big thank you goes to all members for supporting our Club throughout the year and we hope to see as many of you as possible at the upcoming New Year’s Brunch.

Text by Joe Huber and Photos by Hans Wenger and others