Sunday March 24 2024 starting at 11am.
We are going to Lakes Park for the picnic and we rented Shelter B2. Parking is $ 1 an hour and $ 5 for the whole day. The park does not allow dogs or alcohole on its premises.
The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation
7330 Gladiolus Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Meeting point: Shelter B2
This park is a beautiful location to meet and dine. Plenty of parking, nice views and lots of opportunities to take a leisurely walk after the meal.
As we do with every picnic, bring your favorite grilling items and any side dishes and your favorite desert to share with others.
The club will provide the grilling utentsils, charcoal, plats, napkins and cutlery, as usual.
The deadline for registration is March 15! Be early in registering.
Please sign up online at your earliest convenience or send your intentions to Lily Kraft or call her at (707) 880-4707.
This is a pet free event!