Fondue isch guet – tuet guet – und git a gueti Luunä!

This old advertising slogan proofed to be true in every way. At The Clubhouse at Silverlakes in Fort Myers, the fun started with the preparation of the Fondue under the leadership of our master cheese maker Urs Pfister and his assistant Urs Brunner.

With a record attendance of 60 it can be a challenge but not for the two Urs’ who had it all under control. While Joe Huber, our president, addressed the gathering and welcomed guests and new members, they measured and prepared all the fondue pots with the right amount of cheese mix, garlic and Kirsch. They kept checking while one attendee from each table was asked to stir the fondue on the burners until it was ready for the reachaud at the table.

What a great time to socialize and get in a cheesy mood. Soon, all were dipping their bread in the melted cheese enjoying the traditional winter food of our home country. Topping off the evening with a dessert buffet and coffee it was a wonderful get-together of the local Swiss community and friends.

Thank you Lily for the organization and all who have brought their home baked desserts.

Text by Vicki Burkard and Photos by Vicki Burkhard