Short Summary. Full minutes will be available for members on request and will be read in full at next year’s general assembly meeting.

At 17.00 our members started to arrive and enjoyed the apéro time with a glass of wine and appetizers. Once all were settled at their tables our events director Urs Pfister rang the club cow bell to announce the start of the meeting

At 17.43, our president, Joe Huber, welcomed 54 members  gathered at the Club at Gateway in Fort Myers. He specifically welcomed new members Yassir and Zuleidy Neher-Fernandez and Matilde Casio. A special mention went out to Walter Heierli who celebrated his Birthday that day and got a big applause.

Joe handed the microphone to secretary Vicki Burkhard, who read the minutes of the 2024 general assembly meeting. Joe then asked the membership to approve and it was unanimously approved.

Joe continued with his annual report and mentioned that the different board members will speak to their specific responsibilities. A minute of silence was held for Rosmarie Strather who passed on in 2024.

Next to speak was interim vice president and director of IT/Media Urs Brunner to give an update on all our IT and media activities. 

The mic went to events director Lily Kraft who gave an run down of the 2024 events.

Next was treasurer and membership director Gemma Huber with the club’s financial update.  Right after she updated us on the membership and announced that the club has, as of end of 2024, 156 active members.

It was secretary Vicki Burkhard’s turn to read the audit report, which was unanimously approved by all members.

Then came the time for elections. All board members serve for a two year term and have to be re-elected every two years. Joe announced that he will step down from his post as president and Gemma will step down as treasurer and membership director. They got a long, standing ovation for their work and dedication over the last six years on the board. 

The new approved board is as follows:

Vicki H. Burkhard, President
Urs Brunner, Vice president and Director IT/Media
Erika Marti Kain, Secretary and Director Membership
Marianne Zeltner, Treasurer
Lily Kraft, Director of Events
Urs Pfister, Director of Events

Finally Lily gave an update of this year’s upcoming events and hopes that many of our members will actively participate and also keep baking. Home-made baked desserts are always a highlight at our events and appreciated.

Joe adjourned the meeting at 18.30.

Everybody was hungry and soon all enjoyed the nice dinner buffet.

Text by Vicki Burkhard and Photos by Vicki Burkhard