On Sunday, January 5, 2020, President Maria von Atzigen, welcomed 49 members and guests to our traditional New Year’s Brunch at Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club in North Naples. The Club Restaurant presented a huge Buffet with (too) many things to chose from. The Swiss Club offered a drink to every participant which gave us an opportunity to clink our glasses on the New Year.
We welcomed some new members who attended the event: Lucienne Ramoni and Gilberte Yarusso and two returning former couples: Heinz & Brita Rubin and Kurt & Marisa Pfister. Thank you all for joining, re-joining, respectively. The Pfisters now represent almost the majority of the Swiss Club, we have three couples already with this last name! Everybody seemed to enjoy the outstanding food and was in absolutely no rush to go home, maybe we were all afraid to go outside because it was rather chilly!
Text by Joe Huber, Photos by Ursula Nussbaum